Angelic Faith
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
New Sites, New beginings, New York City
Well a lot has happened in the last few days of not posting. If you take a look at my links to the left hand side you will see I have 2 new additions. Please welcome our Implicit Faythe website and a new online store. The Implicit Faythe site is for a description and listing of all those who will be working for me. It will be the main hub for all of the goings on with our Non Profit organization that has been in the works for several years of my life. The product store will help fund this site as well.
A leap of Faythe product site.
Non-Profit Organization website.
I am very excited about both sites, for they are the beginning of something I know others can and will be excited about when people see that the sites are actually working for humanity. Now more about the humanity fund. As I have stated before, this is for people who have slipped through the cracks, the families that are having a hard time in today’s economy; the single parents out there who are working 2 jobs, paying for daycare, and still have to pick between rent and food; the people who have suffered through natural disasters, fires, flooding, and have lost everything in an instant.
This however, has created a situation of not being able to work on my blogs as much as I would like. So now it is the time to play the catch up game. I am sure many know about this game that we play, which brings me to the topic of the day,
I did not grow up in
I have seen so much beauty in many states, I cannot compare them. It would not be fair. Each state has taught me a great deal, not only about the land and animals but the people. If I talk about a state in which you live in way that you feel is negative, I make my apologies in advance if it bothers you, but not for my words. I have told you already, I have a
Back to
Some of our greatest minds, artists, believers, revolutionaries, and survivors have lived here. To me, I know why and feel it. I only hope to emulate it as I move forward in my life and to new states. I do want you to know, New Yorkers are not rude, they are just very time conscious. Time is a commodity that is as valuable as the stock market that runs the nation’s capitalism and much of the worlds. There is no other place like
I do take off one day a week for personal time, however when I get home, I usually end up working anyway. It is the habit of not only a workaholic but a New Yorker. If you are not going to work at it, you are not going to get anywhere, I have learned. I have a few tips for you if you come to NY. Subways are the greatest invention here. They have an amazing Subway; where else can you see the local starving artist and New Yorkers who are commuting back and forth? Biggest hint for the Subways: get a Subway map, just ask the attendant for one, they are free. It will not only give you the underground for travel but also the topside of NYC. Don’t worry about the big, live animals you see running on the rails, those are rats. Yes, NY has them. They will not bother you if you do not bother them, however do not call them dogs or kittens like some do. That is another story for another time. Take the Staten Island Ferry; it is one of the best ways to see the Statue of Liberty for free. You can go visit
Visit the
Now for you visitors, welcome to NYC, however please, when you get here, make sure all of your belongings, including your party are with you at all times. This is for any big city, not just here. Please don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk; this is the one way to be run over, cussed out, and made to feel a visitor is to stop right in the middle of the sidewalk. Besides that, how would you feel if you were in your hometown and you had visitors and they were to stop right in front of you? I highly suggest that if you are traveling by Subway, do not ask a Police Officer for directions, as you will end up in
Now if you have any questions about where to go on a budget, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will get back to you.
I have no goals as of today because I have to finish the other goals I placed up.
Until later,
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