Angelic Faith

Saturday, January 26, 2008


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posted by Aingealicia at 8:16 PM 0 comments

Friday, January 25, 2008

Guantanamo Bay's silent protest....

The sky was cloudy as I rode on the Path Train heading to Manhattan. I was going to my first protest; my stomach was in butterflies. I imagined a scene something like the people of the 70’s who protested, rose up, and spoke out, marching through the streets. It was not, however anything like that.

On January 11th, 2008 there was a peaceful worldwide protest for the detainees of Guantanamo Bay. I was asked to go as a journalist to cover this very important protest in New York City. In the beginning, I saw that there were a handful of people and even fewer police. The protest was held across from the Supreme Court House located in Lower Manhattan’s Foley Square.

It began raining soon after I arrived. Maybe that is why people did not show up. However the rain would not compare to the waterboarding and torture that I was there to report. I can’t help but wonder if it were our fathers, sons, or brothers in Guantanamo Bay, would there have been more there?

The protest in New York City was peaceful by all means. No riots, fanfare, or marching in the streets. However there were prayers, quiet talking, and silent cries for the mass torture going on that has been swept under the rug by this current Administration for so long. New York was fortunate; there were no arrests made, however at other protest there were those who were not so lucky.

As a journalist I must report only the facts. It is very important for people to make up their own minds. What is going on in Guantanamo Bay cannot continue. There is evidence of torture and suffering. There is proof that the current Administration knows that there is torture going on there even now. In 2005 the CIA destroyed the tapes that contained evidence of torture techniques that may be being used on Guantanamo Bay detainees. There have been numerous debates on whether or not waterboarding is in fact torture. How many more must go through this before we as a nation say enough is enough? How many more must be kept in such conditions until the World stops turning a blind eye?

Sometimes peace is achieved by peace, but great leaps and bounds must be made to achieve this peace. We are not off the hook simply because this does not affect us personally. This does affect us. There are Americans being held in Guantanamo Bay. Do not be mistaken about that. There are also countless others from many different nations and lands who are being detained there without the right to a fair trial.

To think that this is not on our own soil is to think that there is not pollution in our air. If you think this cannot happen to you, look up the definition of an “enemy combatant.” If you think that this cannot take away your civil liberties, reconsider your options and how you would live in a fascist world.

With America facing a new president, can the next administration remove what has already been put into place by the current administration? Who is to say they would? Who is to say they would not? However the question that lies within is this: With all the new administration is going to face, how can they correct what the current administration has already created?

As I listened to this peaceful protest and watched what went on around me, there were more who came to stand for the tearing down or shutting down of this place called Guantanamo Bay. What can we do? This is something that many ask. There is plenty to do; call and write your Senators, Representives, and Congressmen. The people of America are the people who have employed this Administration. If you had an employee who did not perform the task assigned to them, would you keep them on the payroll?

Think about the fact of what is going on over in Guantanamo Bay. If this was your family member, would you stay so silent? If you knew that evidence that was destroyed caused the Administration’s heart to panic, could this snuff out the heartbeat of a nation if they stood by and allowed this to continue? As the protest came almost full circle, the clouds produced their own form of waterboarding as if sympathizing with those detained. If one were to listen, you could hear the drummer’s cadence in tune to a heartbeat for freedom, if only for a moment.

Please contact your Senators, Congressmen, and State Representatives and I have listed the links to the offices below. Thank you.

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posted by Aingealicia at 4:44 AM 0 comments

Thursday, January 24, 2008

One way I make money...It works

i know it sounds crazy, but I surf the ads while I watch TV or am doing writing on the computer. It is a small amount a day but the penny's do add up and with the advertising in place, you can make up to $90.00 a week.

That is some extra cash in your pocket.

Also I belong to

Here is my link just cut and past it in your browser.

Earnings example (based on current averages)
� You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
� 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
� Your daily earnings = $2.10
� Your weekly earnings = $14.70
� Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Have a great day and remember I donate 25% to a humanitarian fund for all the money I make.
posted by Aingealicia at 6:20 PM 0 comments

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hummm ok

I am actually new to all this blogging stuff and working at home on line. Any side suggestions or help is great. Thanks for stopping by.

Also I am on myLot. It is an interesting place to post opinions or help.

myLot User Profile

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posted by Aingealicia at 3:31 PM 0 comments

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Would you like Mercury with your Fish Today...Satire part 3

Welcome back to my blog. So does everyone have their permission slips in? If you do not, go back and reread the other two blogs, and please get your permission slips in before you continue as I do not wish to be responsible for your free thinking ideas. I have enough responsibilities of my own, thank you. I just wish to plant the ideas and let the idea tree grow. After all, unlike the current system of today’s society, I encourage growth and learning. How else are you supposed to have someone to talk to if you have a hard time talking to the magnitudes of drones? When you question everything and anything, it causes people to start asking questions about things, which is great. Why is this great? Because as silly as it may seem, we are at war over the freedoms we hold precious, which give us the right to have free thoughts and to exercise them. If these freedoms are lost, it is a lot harder to fight back when you are enjoying the water boarding.

For a short recap, we were in Alaska. Remember the icebergs, glaciers, and moose? What did we learn from that? Hopefully we have learned that the ice for the people in the caves is becoming depleted and they may be getting upset. Did you ever think maybe the people living in the cave may need that ice to refresh their drinks on a hot summer day? I am sure that classifies as peeing in someone’s cave; you be the judge. As for the moose, for those going to Moose Country, I can not express this more: Let the moose win. So you are held up in traffic for 3 hours, at least you will still have your car. Think about that before you honk or yell at that really large creature that has probably had a bad hair day and is standing in front of your car on purpose just to upset you, while inside he is laughing, knowing you are stuck until he moves.

In my opinion, Alaska is one of the most beautiful and dangerous places in the United States. Where else can you go fishing, and the guy next to you has a gun out? I asked a gentleman once if the gun was for the bears or the people. He replied it was for whoever tried to get his king salmon. I decided at that moment, it is probably best to stay in your own little world when fishing for king salmon, away from people. In Alaska, when fishing season comes around for the salmon, especially the king salmon, people get a bit touchy about how close you are to them. In other words, if you get too close you may take the risk of peeing in their cave. We have discussed this. It is not wise to pee in someone’s cave, especially if that person has a gun with them. They tend to get upset. King salmon not only bring out the people, but let’s not forget, Alaska has bears. Bears eat salmon; they stand in the river and fish with the people who are brave enough to stand off to the side.

Do these people think if they catch a king salmon, the bear is really going to let them keep it? I made the choice, if a bear has that part of the river, it’s ok. I really don’t need to fish there that bad. Between a gun and bear, I will take the gun. A bear has claws and very sharp teeth, can outrun me both up and down hill, climb trees, outweighs me by a few hundred pounds, and unless I am really good at playing dead or looking like a cub, he is more than likely going to get the fish. I have no intention of peeing in a bear’s cave.

Why am I mentioning fish? I just found out that Mercury is on the rise, and it is really affecting people in very dangerous ways. Fish carry Mercury. Granted, Alaska does not have the highest Mercury levels in the United States; Maine takes that prize. Doesn’t Lobster sound good now? Make sure you ask for low Mercury or no Mercury in your next seafood dish, especially if it comes from Maine. Can anyone say Mad Hatter’s disease? You can now get it in a variety of ways and Maine just ships it out with its dinner for free. It’s fun, I hear. In all reality, maybe everyone should have a little Mercury in their system. I hear metal does a body good. Surely we can see that in our current horror films. So if you don’t know what Mercury can do to your body or if you are at risk and you are reading this: place “Mercury Poisoning” in your search engine and you will find a nice listing of the dangers and effects of Mercury, both to the environment and in the body. I have listed a few sites I have found along the way if you would like to get started. I would like you to notice the links I have listed were put out by the Government.

What led me to this Mercury hunt, you may ask? What started all this talk of Mad Hatter’s Disease? The CDC put out their new vaccine recommendations for our children.

Here is a list of vaccines for you to see which ones have Mercury.

With what experience I have had with vaccines, I do keep up on vaccinations. I research and write about it. In some of our vaccines, but not all of the vaccines, there is a preservative that has Mercury in it. Now hasn’t the news been warning us about not putting Mercury in our systems, get rid of your Mercury products, and for heaven’s sake, don’t break open the thermometer and add the Mercury to your coffee! You are not even supposed to place mercury in your trash; you should call poison control to let them dispose of it.

So instead of playing with all that Mercury, why don’t we let the CDC give it to you or your child in the next vaccine? For me, that is a bit confusing, but that is just me. There are only a few vaccines that have this preservative and aren’t our children usually the ones getting the vaccines? I am fairly sure that this preservative that is added to these vaccines is not on the FDA approved food chart. After all, the FDA has been pretty clear on the fact that Mercury is not good for the system. Perhaps the concerns do not apply to the vaccines because unless you have medical or religious reasons, you are required to have your children and yourself vaccinated.

There are vaccines that are optional, however. One of the vaccines is something a lot of people get: the flu shot. I have posted the link to the site, but also the facts from the CDC’s own website that this vaccine has Mercury in it. Now remember, we have been told by the FDA that Mercury in our system is not good and can cause a lot of health issues, including death.

Please note, after you are dead, you do not have health issues anymore. Your family will, however have bill issues following your death if your insurance does not cover it. Now I am not saying that all people are going to have issues with Mercury. I am sure the Fluoride and Mercury in our systems have long become friends in the plot of eliminating the weak genes and keeping the strong ones around. Here is my thought though, one part of the Government who is meant to protect us by inspecting our food and drugs is now allowing cloned meat in the supermarkets without telling us if we are eating Dolly. Rest assured, you will not be eating Dolly per se. For some reason, sheep did not make it onto the list of cloned animals that are safe to eat. Apparently Dolly just left a huge mess in the hallway of some person who was in charge of the cloning design. Dolly made enough of a mess that sheep were not approved for the culinary cloning industry. Bad Dolly, someone give that animal a swat with the newspaper. Oh wait, we can’t. She is dead.

Moving away from Dolly and back to the Mercury issue, how can they warn us about Mercury and then turn a blind eye to the fact that they are allowing another body of Government to put it in our bodies to keep us healthy? I don’t know about you, but I am a bit confused on this one. Apparently it has been a very confusing day with this Mercury issue; is it going to hurt us or help us? The FDA cannot make up its mind. I am thinking Dolly left traces behind, and if this is the case, I am fairly sure the ammonia fumes have made them a bit cranky, and they may need some time to calm down before they can fully read and understand the paperwork.

I have added what the CDC says about Thimerosal and Mercury because they did place it almost down at the bottom of the paperwork, almost as if they wanted you to get bored with reading the whole paper. We all know how fun government papers are to read and understand.

Thimerosal and Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

Thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound, has been used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1930s and is used in multidose vials of inactivated influenza vaccine to reduce the likelihood of bacterial contamination (243). Many of the single-dose syringes and vials of TIV are thimerosal-free or contain only trace amounts of thimerosal (Table 4). No scientific evidence indicates that thimerosal in vaccines, including influenza vaccines, leads to serious adverse events in vaccine recipients (244). However, in 1999, the U.S. Public Health Service and other organizations recommended that efforts be made to eliminate or reduce the thimerosal content in vaccines to decrease total mercury exposure, chiefly among infants (243--245). Since mid-2001, vaccines routinely recommended for infants in the United States have been manufactured either without or with only trace amounts of thimerosal, resulting in a substantial reduction in the total mercury exposure from vaccines for children (210). Vaccines containing trace amounts of thimerosal have <1>

The risks for severe illness from influenza virus infection are elevated among both young children and pregnant women, and persons in both groups benefit from vaccination. In contrast, no scientifically conclusive evidence exists of harm from exposure to thimerosal preservative-containing vaccine. In fact, evidence is accumulating that supports the absence of any harm resulting from exposure to such vaccines (243,246--248). Therefore, the benefits of influenza vaccination outweigh the theoretical risk, if any, from thimerosal exposure through vaccination. Nonetheless, certain persons remain concerned regarding exposure to thimerosal. As of February 2006, six states had enacted legislation banning the administration of vaccines containing mercury; the provisions defining mercury content vary. These laws might present a barrier to vaccination until sufficient numbers of doses of influenza vaccines without thimerosal as a preservative or in trace amounts are available.

The U.S. vaccine supply for infants and pregnant women is in a period of transition; the availability of thimerosal-reduced or thimerosal-free vaccine intended for these groups is being expanded by manufacturers as a feasible means of reducing an infant's total exposure to mercury, because other environmental sources of exposure are more difficult or impossible to eliminate. Reductions in thimerosal in other vaccines have been achieved already and have resulted in substantially lowered cumulative exposure to thimerosal from vaccination among infants and children. For all of those reasons, persons for whom inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended may receive vaccine with or without thimerosal, depending on availability.

Also the FDA has some of their own findings on Thimerosal and Mercury. At least they are warning you and letting you know all sides of the coin, and they acknowledge there is Mercury in the system.

What is thimerosal?

Thimerosal is a preservative that has been used in some vaccines since the 1930's, when it was first introduced by Eli Lilly Company. It is 49.6% mercury by weight and is metabolized or degraded into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. At concentrations found in vaccines, it meets the requirements for a preservative as set forth by the United States Pharmacopeia; that is, it kills the specified challenge organisms and is able to prevent the growth of the challenge fungi. Prior to its introduction in the 1930's, data were available in several animal species and humans providing evidence for its safety and effectiveness as a preservative. Since then, thimerosal has a long record of safe and effective use preventing bacterial and fungal contamination of vaccines, with no ill effects established other than minor local reactions at the site of injection.

As a vaccine preservative, thimerosal is used in concentrations of 0.003% to 0.01%. A vaccine containing 0.01% thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 ml dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose. The use of mercury-containing preservatives in vaccines has declined markedly since 1999 (Table 1. Thimerosal Content of Vaccines Routinely Recommended for Children 6 Years of Age and Younger.

FDA is continuing its efforts toward reducing or removing thimerosal from all existing vaccines. Much progress has been made to date. FDA has been actively working with manufacturers, particularly those that manufacture childhood vaccines, to reach the goal of eliminating thimerosal from vaccines, and has been collaborating with other PHS agencies to further evaluate the potential health effects of thimerosal. In this regard, all vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age or younger and marketed in the U.S. contain no thimerosal or only trace amounts (1 microgram or less mercury per dose), with the exception of inactivated influenza vaccine, which was first recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in 2004 for routine use in children 6 to 23 months of age.

Now don’t get me wrong. I know enough about vaccines to know they are needed. I do not want to see vaccines go away; I am not a big fan of small pox or polio. I think I prefer the avian flu they keep warning me about. I have not decided, maybe I will just pick up some MRSA on the way home after I get my Mercury injection for the year. Now while you ponder that...

All I am saying is if you are going to tell us Mercury is bad for us, then don’t give it to us or our children no matter how small the amount. Remember, there are boosters and with everything else that can expose you to Mercury, I am thinking the chances of a child not getting Mercury poisoning in today’s day and age, well to be honest, is almost as good as us going outside and not getting pollution on us. Unless you live in the cave, and then you just have to watch for the tourists that have the urge to go to the bathroom in your cave, or worse yet, get a bit amorous and cannot control their primal needs. By the way, if you are reading this from a cave, could you send me your network link? They seem to have great reception.

Well I think for today I have written enough to make any person go hmmm…I am still debating which enjoyable situation I shall put myself in today. I hear that sushi is actually pretty good when making important decisions in your life, being brain food and all. Hey, can I get that without the Mercury today?

Enjoy your day, I will close with that and remember, *...Thank you, this has been a public broadcast system of the FBNS (Faythe Based Network System) supported by your local 1st Amendment Rights, backed by the Constitution of the United States, broadcasted out of New York City, Baby....*

posted by Aingealicia at 8:27 PM 0 comments

My Satire of the World part 2

Ok, for those of you who need the permission slip, here it is. The Bronx is quite a trip for me just so you know. For those of you who may not know, here is the thing, if you come to NYC, plan at least 2 hours for anywhere in the city that is around the city, such as queens, the Bronx, or Brooklyn. I don’t visit Long Island, it is over 2 hours away and I may be too opinionated for some there. So why take the risk?

Contract of agreement…or Permission slip for those who need it.

I, ________________, have contacted my legal guardian to be able to read this information and form my own opinion. I understand and accept that this may change my perspective of things in life and take that responsibility for such actions.

I also understand that reading this material may not be appropriate for the normal status quo of today’s current society. I agree that the writer, Aingealicia, has admitted that her views are of her own research, background, and often politically incorrect commentaries.

I am also fully aware that this may allow me to feel ways about things, may give me political opinions I was not sure I had, and give me insight to things I did not know existed.

I accept all the terms above and wish to continue reading after my permission slip is back in.



Printed name



Now that the legalities are done we can move forward. No one has peed in anyone’s cave today right? If you have go, clean up your mess and reread the first blog I put out. Now moving on, I notice how people complain about my cigarette smoking. I haven’t decided which is worse, the threat of dying of cancer, at least that was my choice to expose myself to cancer, or the thought of checking out with VISA and finding out that I happened to walk by the MRSA on the way out the door, and when I opened the door flying over my head was the Bird Flu. What is next? Surely I have managed to shorten my list of visiting places as I have begun my journey of the world on the internet.

I get spoken to by many about how cigarettes will kill me, which is why I began this rant or conspiracy theory or whatever you wish to call it. I smoke while I write. This is one of the advantages of working at home. To begin with, I never really expected to go where I have been sent on this journey and there will be a few background notes that I will add so you can understand what I am saying. I would like you to be able to connect the dots as I have, this way I don’t feel like the only outsider who swallowed the red pill. See, this way we know in the tour of life that there are at least two of us who took that red pill. Please read with an open mind and make your own conclusions. This is just what I have found to support my opinion of the dumbing down of America, the War, and how I feel the government is trying to hush or kill us, which just so you know, may or may not be torture. They have not quite decided yet. Also these are my own studies and my own personal beliefs. If you share them with me, that just means I have to share my sandbox. Come on in, the sand is great to play with.

On a lighter note, please let me take you around the world through words and we shall visit each one in humor because you truly have to laugh, especially you smokers because hopefully when I am done it will seem much better to die of cancer than something that you might happen to pick up along your journeys. I am talking about the current conditions out there, and you don’t even have to pay 6 to 7 dollars a pack for these lovely treats, you get them free of charge. Who said the best things in life are not free? Note I am not making this an advertisement for smoking. I personally wish I would have never started. I don’t promote it, and I don’t think you should start if you have not already, but this is what I do and I am free to do so and am over 21. If you smoke, in this day and age you cannot honestly say that you did not know about the risk of getting cancer. Honestly if you say no, you have not watched the tv or read anything, I also do not think you would be reading this if that were the case. We know the risk, non-smokers, we agreed to the risk of cancer when we started smoking. Stop reminding us that we need to quit. We know we need to quit. Here is the funny thing, you non-smokers who complain to us: because of those cigarettes, you are still alive along with countless others. I mean honestly we didn’t just start smoking not knowing that there was a warning label on the packages, see you don’t even have to take the time to read the paper or watch the tv, you can read it on the damn package, in many languages, on all boxes. So now that I have established the non-advertisements for smoking, I shall continue.

So I have decided where I stand as a journalist. I liked Edward R. Murrow, who was a fantastic journalist. “Good Night and Good Luck.” Amazing man, but the truth, no matter how bold, must be told. Otherwise the people cannot decide for themselves. I have backed up my column with websites for you to enjoy your colorful and visual journey of my free view of the world. Ever watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? This might be considered the boat ride. Now that you have that song in your head, if not, we can all sing along, follow the bouncing ball.

“Oompa loompa, dupity do…”

I feel it is important you not only have visuals but the sound track too. Just so you know, when I arrived in Wonderland I took the red pill. I like rabbit holes. In a way by taking that pill I agreed to this new rabbit hole. If you don’t know what pill I am talking about, watch the Matrix.

Also just so things don’t go wrong, if this article reaches the right people and can move forward to them, if you have made it this far without saying hey, this lady is a nut case, what is the next story? You are probably the right person just like thousands out there to help and speak out about what you are seeing. Please enjoy and make your own decisions. If you are in a cave, please keep the noise down for the other occupants. I am just showing you what I have found because most don’t have the blessings of being able to stay home and find everything I have. They have to work because if they don’t, their families will not have a house and well, let’s really think about that, weigh it out, and discuss. Food and shelter compared to finding out what will possibly kill you besides smoking. I think that the food is more important myself, but hey that is just me.

Let’s start in America, shall we? I can’t think of a better place to start, the land of the free. My studies have begun to manifest into a few interesting turns, you could say as to what is going on in today’s society. Wow, people talk about global warming, and there is no better way than to prove it exists, but by seeing it exist for yourself. Now I have had the privilege seeing a great many things in my life which others could never imagine what it is like. To be able to touch a glacier is one thing that no one can put into words. I have seen Portage Glacier a long time ago. We will leave it at that, this needs be an age- appropriate article. What is not appropriate is you knowing my age.

Alaska is beautiful and wonderful, as long as you are tall enough to see over the snow embankment and you like the darkness for a bit of the year. I remember my first time to Alaska and arriving on the plane in the middle of February. The snow was taller than me and it was dark, and continued to be dark for the next 3 months. Not exactly what you call fun for a person who is used to the sun. You learn to appreciate the sun a great deal when it is no longer available to you. Sure it is great you get the northern lights, which are something I am so grateful to have seen. They would have been great to see when the possibility of not having to wear thermals, 3 pairs of socks, 10 sweaters and a heating blanket was not involved, along with the customary ski mask. I will tell you, however you do learn that shorts and a t-shirt is not something you want to wear when you just have to run to the corner store or watch the northern lights. First off, you look a bit odd, second the snow is unreal, and third it is cold. It is Alaska. When I was in Alaska; it was a high of 70 degrees in the warmest part of the year. During the coldest part of the year it is advisable not only to wear warm clothing, but your car may need to be plugged in too or it may not start the next day. The other bonus of living in Alaska is the moose.

It is great to have moose run across in front of you when you know that if it stops, you are in a traffic jam until he moves. Let me tell you something, if a moose crosses in front of the car you are driving: Stop. Don’t honk at the moose, this makes the moose angry and if you have read this you have no excuse if he walks over your car to welcome you to Moose Country. Don’t feed it. If you have to ask why, when you stop feeding it the moose gets angry and your car may not make it. It is suggestible you do not get out of the car to take a photo of a moose unless of course they are buried in the snow up to the chest. If this is the case, why did you stop anyway? You have a better chance of getting in the car and being able to get away, instead of the moose climbing up over the car. Now for those of you in Moose Country, I know not every moose does this, but do you really want to take the chance that you get the one of out ten moose that has had a bad hair day or he has been shot at? Remember, your state gets to clean up the mess a moose leaves behind. For those of you who do not know that much about moose, ask a hunter. They will tell you let the moose win. Ok so that is your first lesson in staying alive in Moose Country. I have lived in Maine too, so this will not be your last lesson on how to survive Moose Country.

Now back to the global warming. I can tell you of the wonders of Alaska; the glaciers were the one thing that were so breathtaking. There are no words to describe how blue the ice was and how big they were. It is nothing like the Discovery Channel. In Alaska I think maybe I should have been on the Discovery Channel for all I got to see there. If I have not mentioned it before or you missed it, unless you are tall enough to see over the snow banks it is not advisable to go to Alaska. If you think you are going to run around in shorts and a t-shirt, it is not advisable to go to Alaska, and if you feel you must provoke the moose, do not go to Alaska. For the height requirement, you should be about 10 feet or over for the winter months. I am not so sure that is the case anymore. Alaska is warming up now and you might actually get away with a t-shirt and shorts.

You are probably wondering why I am starting with Alaska. Well that is where all my beginning forms of research began. My son has epilepsy, he has had it since he was 9 months old, and he is 15 now. The vaccines that he received allowed his epilepsy to come through because it ran in our family. I did a lot of research, believe me, there’s not much else to do when all you have to look forward to is snow, the chance of snow, and hey it may snow tomorrow as the weather men ramble on the tv. The weather men are always chipper up there. I think they take some sort of happy pills because wow, those choices of weather are a bit limited if you ask me. Yes for you people out there wondering if there are female weather people, yes there are, however I am very old fashioned and the fact of the matter is this: if you take the Wo off Woman, you get man; man is all-inclusive. My son had his first seizure when he was 9 months old. I began my research when he was 9 months old and 1 day. I believe that an informed parent is a child’s best advocate. What does this have to do with global warming? I just want those of you reading this to know I do my research before I write anything. I would rather tell you the truth even if you do not like it than tell lies and be accountable for such actions.

Back to the glaciers. Yes I have touched a glacier. They used to allow that with one of the glaciers in Alaska until someone decided to not pay attention to a really big sign that said “caution falling ice” and died. This of course required the caretakers to put up a large barrier so you could not touch the glacier. I have visited Portage Glacier and seen her calf. Why do they call it calving? I don’t know, probably because the Iceberg off the glacier is the size of a small cow. When I was there, the glacier went all the way to the water of Portage. I happened to come across a photo from several years later of people who visited Portage and you could barely tell that there was even a glacier there. This was 5 years after I had seen it last. My thoughts: “Right…” (Now imagine Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove and how he says that.) Global warming does not exist, someone just really had to go to the bathroom while exploring a cave and it trickled down and caused this massive glacier to melt. Someone get the newspaper and smack them on the nose, and once the book about how to have common courtesy for caves comes out, give it to them.

What can you do about global warming? Honestly, nothing. Things are as they are because we were not concerned enough to begin with. Now before I get letters, comments, or downright rude suggestions, I am not talking about you in particular. Don’t take that personally, it is not a jab at what you choose to do or not to do. However there are some things that can help the environment where you live. For example, if the corner store is within a few blocks of you, walk. Don’t worry about feeling like you are out of place, I hear this is an old habit that is becoming a new trend. Don’t get in your car that now takes anywhere from 2.50 a gallon to over 3 dollars a gallon. See now, smokers, you can almost get a pack of cigarettes. The benefits of walking are not only do you get to smell the fresh air and toxins of the day, but you won’t be adding to these toxins. Also you might just actually get some use out of the legs that were given to you; some people don’t have that ability, you know. Find ways to recycle, perhaps. It is ok to reuse things, donate things, and find a new use for things that are no longer needed. Use the recycling bins. Throw out your trash, a trash can is a useful thing and so often we do not use them. Tossing your garbage on the street is not helping anyone and it shows you don’t really care. I know you are helping keep the street cleaners in business but would you just throw your trash on the floor in your house? Why would you do it on the street? What did that street do to you to deserve that? It just sits there. Hey smokers, that includes you. I wait to toss my filters into the trash can rather than on the ground, it is simple: you created the trash, you take care of it. There are so many ways that we can change our habits to create a safer, cleaner environment, but we must begin with ourselves. Oh yes, if you are wondering, it is highly suggested that if you are in a cave, do not litter there. Lord knows how that will cause whatever lives there to manifest into something else and become meaner or worse, it will draw them out of the cave and they will hunt you down to get more. Then what are you going to do? You will have to feed it and then it’s yours. If you are wondering what the repercussions are, reread the paragraph on moose. I am fairly sure that if something comes out of a cave, it will probably not only walk, crawl, or slither over your car, but also proceed to eat it. This will result in the creature getting bigger. I think you are beginning to see the problem.

I will close with that and remember, *...Thank you, this has been a public broadcast system of the FBNS (Faythe Based Network System) supported by your local 1st Amendment Rights, backed by the Constitution of the United States, broadcasted out of New York City, Baby....*

Also if you need to get your permission slip in, please make sure you do before you read my next blog. We will still be in Alaska, it is a fairly large state and we haven’t even covered the bears, the fishing, or Denali, Mount McKinley, the really big mountain in Alaska, for those of you who don’t know what Denali is.

In the mean time do not feed or provoke the moose and avoid the caves because you may have a new pet reading over your shoulder for my next blog. Take care, save the environment where you live, and enjoy your day.

posted by Aingealicia at 8:22 PM 0 comments

My Trip Around the World in Satire The Begining or Part 1.

This is one of a few in this series. I am not sure where the other parts of it will be, but please feel free to view my profile to see where the others will be placed...Please enjoy.

I began this article as an article, then I thought to myself, hey I have a blog, and it came to my attention that this should be an actual blog that can be updated once a week or a month, depending upon my schedule. I welcome you to my insight of some things not many wish to touch upon: Life and life around us.

I am no expert; however I believe I have earned the rank to be considered an adviser. I also believe in the constitution and the first amendment rights that we are blessed with as Americans. So I will write freely until the first amendment is taken out of the constitution. With the current status quo, that may be next year, because for some reason or another there is a new bill or law passed that affects us, but we don't know about it until after the fact.

Please don't tell me, well people should keep up with the current political status. My response is this, when do they have time? The ones who actually want to do something usually two jobs that they are holding down to feed their families, there is family time, and then at some point and time they must sleep? So it is not that they don’t wish to keep up, time does not allow them to keep up. Unless they are wonder woman or superman, I am sure that their families think they are but with out those gifts of superpowers they can not do everything.

So I am hoping that people will have a good laugh and pass this on to others who need a good laugh. I also would like people to be able to make their own decisions and ideas with what I write, because I am tired of hearing there is no way I can do anything to change anything.

Well I am not sure if this will work, but let's try to get people to actually read this and pass it on. Call it the survival guide to today's world.

Just so you know, I hear that the government will give you vacation if you are in the mood for one. That is, if you are lucky enough to be considered an “enemy combatant”, then the government gives you a free flight to see some beaches. It is even on a Naval Station called Guantanamo Bay,, _Cuba n_camp

I hear they have lovely beaches. I might stay for the water boarding, which if you have not heard lately, may or may not be considered torture. The senate has yet to decide. Last I checked, the house has decided it is torture. I wonder which way the fearless leader of our country shall choose to go? He may need some cards so he can pronounce Guantanamo, so it may be best that he decides it is torture so that he does not have to say Guantanamo too much.

As you can see, I have a burr under my skin. It is rather large and well, we all share it. So why have I begun this blog? Because I can, I want to, and I believe fully that one person can make a difference. That, and I am sure the government and other countries shall always have something for to say about them.

Someone will always be a leader we don't like or find carries a lack of character. Now before we begin to blame the government for a lot of problems, let's think about this for a minute. If you honestly think about the position of being a President, a leader, someone that we try to look up to, would you really want to fill their shoes? We often say we could do a better job at managing the current system. The many who have gotten into office think that too, make promises, and then with tradition, they break their promises as well. With all the red tape, no wonder they can't actually achieve anything.

Our current system as we now know it, our everyday grind that we live would not allow it. Hey, I am a New Yorker, you become accustomed to living life with a schedule. Without that schedule, you lose time, and time is money. Well, you get the idea; same speech, different person.

So when I began this project of the rants that I am going to do, I started because of my research on something called CA-MRSA. You may or may not have heard about it. If you get it, please don't share it. I am not sure if this is the gift we would like to keep on giving.

In doing research, I have come across some things that raised some red flags and made me go hmmm... How many others know about this, and if they don't, why don't they? I am thinking you can compare me to Agent Fox Mulder from the X-files. Because in reality I am much like him in the fact that I believe that the government is out to destroy normal humanity.

Now I am not a riot-enthusiast. I don't put on war paint and decide to riot in the streets. However I do attend a few protests now and then. As for the riots in the streets, I think I would like to skip that part of the tour, thank you very much, but if it comes to that point, I will get dressed up so that I can riot in the streets. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword anyway, so with the research of CA-MRSA, I decided, why stop there? How about if we just go all the way, see how far this blog can reach, and how many people I can upset along the way.

Because heaven forbid I feel ways about things and have an opinion that may or may not be ok with the current politically correct venue of the time. This might actually mean that I can think for myself. So when I go off on side notes, they are just to keep you interested in seeing what the next thing is that I am going to say so you can get a small chuckle in your day.

Now moving on, political correctness, if you are looking for that in this blog, I am respectful, these are my opinions, and well, what fun is life if you don't ruffle a few feathers? I don't use certain words because I would not like them to be my label. I like the idea of writing and reaching people. Perhaps that is politically incorrect in a politically correct society. I think I may end up with a Parental Advisory sticker, so there you go.

That is your Parental warning, if you are not adult enough to enjoy the humor here, well then you are too young to be here, but please go get your parents so you have parental approval. There will be a contract at the end of the blog so you may get your parents' permission to read this blog. I will expect to see them in my email. I may touch on things that others may not want you to read. Oh, isn't it fun being a rebel?

Speaking of which, how can you keep up? Today if you say one wrong word, one wrong statement, you could be facing a string of lawsuits. I understand it is important to be respectful, but the politically correct wording can go a bit overboard. I mean honestly, it is pretty bad when you have to ask the host of the party what is correct to call someone.

I think there should be a daily email to everyone who has a computer with the politically correct words of the day and then invite people to make a new one just so the government does not have to come up with more words that we can be sued over or arrested for. Common sense should kick in sometime, name-calling all around is just plain rude.

Here's an idea, remember the manners you were taught when you were growing up? Use them like you are supposed to; if you would not want to be called that particular word, don't say it. Do we really need a guide to tell us what we can and cannot say for words that maybe if they were not brought to our attention, we would never have used them in the first place.

So I would like to take you round the world with words; a humorist way of looking at things in today's society. Why do it on a blog? How else can I bring joy and laughter to millions of people's faces and actually seem interesting?

A bit about me, if you are reading this blog for the first time, which you probably are if you are reading this page, I have a very dry sense of humor. You decided to continue reading, so you apparently have your permission slip back in. I am very proud of you. You get an A for effort and completion.

I am hoping you look forward to my weekly blog of how to survive the earth in a satirical setting. It's ok to laugh as well; I have found that humor can add years to a person's life-span. Now if you don't wish to extend this life's sentencing, please stop reading now. For those of you who would like a bit of laughter, that there are more important things in life to worry about, and know real life is too serious to be taken seriously, please continue reading.

I am a smoker. Just to let you know, I smoke. Yes, for those of you who are non-smokers, well, I am one of those who are politically incorrect. Please don't comment that I really should quit for my health's sake. We smokers know this. We don't need a lecture, besides that, smokers are few and far between these days if you look around. Since that is the case, and I don't like being part of a cookie-cutter design, I don't like being part of a mold. I am fairly sure that if there is a mold of me out there, they have destroyed it. Personally, I wouldn't want another one of me running around either. I get the feeling that one of me is enough, more than enough for anyone. I personally like being unique and opinionated.

I also am a mom, of quite a few, adopted or not. My children range from ages that are endless. I am very lucky to have them in my life for the plain and simple fact that they help me see what I see so I can write to let you see.

I have lived all over the United States, I do vote, and I have an opinion. However since I was not with the military as active duty, my opinion was not handed to me with my BDU's. It is only a joke, but a common one in the military.

On a serious note, I am a Marine Corps brat. I support our troops and want them home as much as the next person, did I mention I vote? Now back to the men in uniform and wanting them home, well how could I not? Have you not seen a man in a uniform? A dress uniform, looking all yummy, dressed to the nines, and as handsome and sexy as a man can get. Nicely forming over the bottom and pressed, just the type of dessert you want for dinner. You just want to take him home and devour him. A little side note for those who have a fetish for such things, enjoy your visual.

I do believe that too many have died for what they believe in, this country, our freedoms, so much so someone must speak for them to come home. I am sure their families would love that they would make it home soon.

I believe in speaking the truth and have a very warped thought process on how things got started. It all started with a bad horror movie. My roommate and I were up one night watching a really bad horror flick. I am thinking this is where this blog idea came from. This movie, no matter how horrid it was, you had to finish it because you wanted to see the gruesome ending.

Kinda like watching a train wreck that you can't take your eyes off, but worse because you can change the channel. You just don't want to. This movie started off with these kids, you know the normal, needed mix for a good horror movie. The stupid girl who will fall and die first or second, the irritating brain who you just wish would leave his brain behind so you can just escape, and let's not forget the two that will end up together at the end.

Well these people decided it would be a good idea to go caving before this man's wedding. Yeah, smart idea there is what my roommate and I were both thinking. Like anyone would like to take the chance of being crushed, mutilated by falling, or maimed by an animal either known or unknown to man. It is the same with that so needed boat trip and yes, let's not forget the parties. My question there is if you want to take this risk before one of the most important days of your life, what did your fiancé do to you to make you have a death wish before you even get married.

You know full well this is not a good idea, but hey, let's go anyway. Now I don't know about you, but if I lived in a cave I would not want unexpected guests either. I mean, what if I forgot to lock up that really big dragon of mine and you just so happen to decide, let's go caving and drop in. I won't have time to call him back and once he has greeted you, it is way too late, and now I have a mess to clean up.

Ok so right there we should have turned the channel but alas, Family Guy and Futurama were not on. So as the movie goes on, someone has to take a leak. Oh yeah, good idea. Do you want someone peeing on your doorstep?

Ever notice the worst monsters either come from the ocean or from caves in horror movies? Now back to the peeing on the door stoop, how about if you are sleeping and someone pees on your head? I am fairly sure that I am not going to want to let you in the house if you can't even ask me if I enjoy that sort of thing, Why should I let you in? So you can go pee in my corner or my chair?

So this blog will be based off things like peeing in someone's cave, or being stuck in traffic in New York, or perhaps a few helpful hints to survive along the way only to name a few.

Now back to caves. I believe a lot of the worlds issues stem from someone peeing in someone else's cave. See, you have to respect caves. Here is the thing, how far have we really studied into caves? Haven't people heard that dragons and giant ants and centipedes and the like live in caves? If they are writing stories about caves and what they are finding, do we really want to wake up whatever lives there? I know I sure don't.

I should write a handbook for those who wish to read it for survival in caves according to the movie my roommate and I saw. This movie was very valuable, because it instructed me what not to do when in a cave if I would like to stay alive.

Now back to the research of caves, I am all for learning. I am the first person to say education is priceless; I learned this from my Gram who I miss greatly, more on that later though. However with all we have learned about caves and what can happen, do we honestly know what is down there?

In New York City the subways have rats, now imagine a cave and its hidden chambers. If you have peed in a cave, you are now probably wondering whose door stoop you peed in and why would you do such a thing? I would think twice about peeing in someone's cave. You never know what kind of guard animal they have for protecting that cave.

So if you are reading this from a cave, you have a great internet connection, first and foremost. Please make sure to only pee in the designated spots, usually called bathrooms. I am sure that if you have been living in a cave for a bit, you by now know not to upset the locals.

So moving forward to my blog: Welcome to my world. I think it is Wonderland, but every now and then I will poke my head out to see what is really going on and actually try to form an opinion that was not prescribed for me. I am sure that pill is not usually handed out. I had to steal it from history, books, and people peeing in my cave.

Also, I will donate 25% of my earnings to charity. I will somehow figure out how to let people see that I am donating a lot of the money to the cause of humanity because I think it is worth the investment for tomorrow's future and well, let's be honest, if people are not alive, how am I supposed to make a living?

*.....Thank you this has been a public broadcast system of the FBNS (Faythe Based Network System) supported by your local 1st Amendment Rights, backed by the Constitution of the United States, broadcasted out of New York City, Baby....*

'Til the next time, enjoy your day. I hope I brought some laughter into it. Also I have to find those permission slips for those of you who need them. They are lost somewhere in the Bronx.

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posted by Aingealicia at 8:13 PM 0 comments